Monte Vista Society Photograph Policy

Monte Vista Historical Society Photograph Policy

Information about the collections is available at:
The Monte Vista Historical Society

History Center

110 Jefferson Street

PO Box 323

Monte Vista, CO 81144

(719) 852-4396
(719) 852-2518 

Whereas the Monte Vista Historical Society is committed to the preservation of local history, the following conditions must be met in order to assure the continuation of historic photographic collections and use on a non-profit basis. Photographs from Society collections are available, unless restricted, for a fee based on the size of the photograph and its intended use. Purchasing photographs from the Society means that you agree to comply with the Society's conditions for use.

Conditions: Unless otherwise stated, the signed photograph order for the purchase of photographs from the collections constitutes agreement to comply with these conditions:

1. Responsibility for questions of copyright that may arise are assumed by the user.

2. Monte Vista Historical Society negatives may never be loaned, and may be used for reproduction only by the Society. Personal negatives paid for by others but retained by the Society may be returned to the owner upon written request.

3. The Monte Vista Historical Society reserves the right to limit the number of photographic copies; to restrict the use for reproduction of rare or valuable material; to ensure that reproductions are in good taste and that use is consistent with the mission of the Society; to make special quotations for material involving unusual difficulty in copying; and to charge an extra fee for copy when necessary. The Society reserves the right to require a proof for approval prior to publication.

4. Images of items or copies of photographs in the collections that will be used for any form of publication, reproduction, or display must be obtained from the Society or with the Society's permission. Subsequent printings require further permission.

5. The San Luis Valley Newspapers will be allowed to use photographs from the Society's album for direct copy and use under conditions of #3, with no fee charged. They are to be returned, undamaged, within 24 hours unless other arrangements are made. Borrower must pay for replacement if the original is lost or damaged.

6. San Luis Valley students may Xerox photos from albums for school projects at the Carnegie Public Library /or nearby copier in Monte Vista at their own expense, to be returned immediately, undamaged, to the society. No fee charged for this service. Borrower must pay for replacement if the original is lost or damaged.

7. Purchase of reproduction black-and-white copy prints may include any photograph in our albums for the current price. Board members and advisory members of the Monte Vista Historical Society who order personal photos will pay only the charge made by the photographer/printer. Negatives will be retained unless otherwise stated.

8. All reproduced photographs must be credited as follows: "Courtesy, Monte Vista Historical Society" followed by the name of the original photographer, if known. Credit stamp must be placed on the back of photo and credited in any publication. With exhibitions, credit must be shown within the exhibition area.

9. A complimentary copy of any book, article, or publication in which the Monte Vista Historical Society's photos are used will be expected from the user as soon as is possible.

10. Requests for copies intended for single mass reproductions into formats such as a poster, post cards, or notepaper may be subject to special contractual procedure.

11. Prices as quoted are subject to change depending upon photographer/printer charges.

12. Ordered photographs must be paid for at the time of delivery. Tax is included in the purchase price. Postage and handling is charged only if delivered by mail. Make checks or money orders payable to the Monte Vista Historical Society.

13. In addition to processing fees, reproduction fees are charged for commercial use.

14. Any exception or deviation from these policies must be approved in advance by the Board of Directors of the Monte Vista Historical Society.

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